Jayant Patil
Jayant Patil, Minister For Rural Development, Government of Maharastra.

Jayant Patil
Dr.H.S.Anand, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India

Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
...This publication provides valuable information on Azolla as a bio-feed for livestock and bio-fertilizer for paddy. Practical guidelines are given on how to grow and use Azolla for different purposes. The data on the use of Azolla for improving milk production are impressive....The authors have also brought out the potential value of Azolla for astronauts in order to provide them with the necessary nutrition while in space. Thus the blessings of Azolla are many and varied.
Dr. M.S. Swaminathan

Dr. M.S. Swaminathan
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
...I liked particularly 'Recycling Organic Wastes' as in pages 241-244 and also for the back page quotation from Bhagavad Gita 3.14 'Living beings are born of good. Food is born of rain; Rain is born of Yajna (Punya); and Yajna (Punya) is born of action'. My greetings to you.
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam