Title: A second look at Agriculture. This book deals with how chemical agriculture is destroying the fertility of the soil as well as the economy and quality of life of the farmer and the health of the soil.



English, Rs 70/-
The book provides detailed concepts and methodology of nardep mode of Azolla cultivation. It also gives the diagrams of various methods of integration of this technology with the farmer’s homestead. The book also gives agronomical practices to be followed in using Azolla in the paddy field. The book has fourteen chapters including user feedback from different sections of the society.



English, Rs 60/-
Free of jargons yet conveying the science and technology behind the biogas without dilution this book is another publication which can reach out to vast sections of the population including students, biogas technology trainers, biogas users and maintenance and installation personnel. The benefit analysis providing a case for subsidiary is aimed at policy makers. The book is excellent introduction to the technology as well as a ready-hand reference for its various aspects.



English, Rs 150/-
This is a richly illustrated handbook on rainwater  harvesting released by Vivekananda Kendra-NARDEP. [Book cover] The book contains two parts. The Part-I has all the panels of the water section of Gramodaya park. The Part-II has eight chapters each dealing with important aspects  of water harvesting.It also richly presents traditional wisdom in the form of indigenous water harvesting structure as well as in the form of couplets from ancient Tamil spiritual-ethical work Thirukural on the importance of saving rain water. On the whole the book provides a wonderful insight for both lay person and professional into the world of rainwater harvesting.



English, Rs 20/-
The book aims to accomplish the creation of eco-awareness by first highlighting the inter-connectedness of all life on earth as single grand system called Gaia. The book totally deals in 16 chapters important ecological issues and for each one of them it gives solutions. The last chapter is titled ‘Towards Sacred Earth’.



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